Sitemap - 2024 - Sex and the State

The reality of rural life

Rural life sucks, part 2: Health

Rural life sucks, part 1: Defining our terms

The case for shifting away from politics and toward policy

Drain the swamp? Drain the sticks.

How K-12 helps explain how rural America came to suck

What to do with rural voters

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Whoring

Fuck rural America?

The actual two Americas

The social cost of earbuds

I am biased about Evangelical extremism

The case for admitting when I'm wrong

The case for marrying someone you vibe with

Kitty Stryker on the limits of "consent culture"

Thots on the Oxford school shooter parents going to prison

Walking in Memphis

Is marriage good?

The Proust Questionnaire

Rape in sex-positive, feminist spaces

Misogyny and the Political Divide

My parents were good, actually

Authoritarianism is not a mental illness

Cathy Reisenwitz on Authoritarianism and the Psychology of Power

Does this outfit make you feel rapey?

My cognitive dissonance got louder than my survival instinct

It's not personal until it's personal

I didn't misunderstand. That shit really happened.

We're on a break

Racism and sexism, status games, and affirmative action

Unpopular opinion: More rape for less gay sex is a bad trade

Josh Hawley is why I'm a technocrat

Explaining the Evangelical church’s relationship to rape and rapists

Democracy needs a little less participation

Authoritarians and their shitty childhoods

Is authoritarianism inherently anti-social?

Authoritarians and the games they play

Activism update

More evidence linking Evangelical Christianity with belief in female idiocy, etc.

How Evangelical Christianity facilitates belief in female idiocy

How dumb women contribute to rural female brain drain and belief in female idiocy

Good news about getting old

Belief in female idiocy explains the urban/rural divide

H4H 28: We’re moving in a new direction

Monogamy stans stay obsessed with sex

Becoming a small-town girl

How my moral intuitions have evolved

H4H 27: More than you ever wanted to know about guardianships

Cash rules less around me than I realized

A thot with thoughts on syphilis

I am not one of those marketers (mournfully)

H4H26: A listener sounds off!

A fate worse than death?

I've got shit on my mind

The argument for ass whoopings > prison

H4H 25: Guy Sotomayor on what exactly the Madison County Commission Chairman does

You're not really fighting about cat licking

A brief primer on medical misogyny

Activism update

H4H 24: We respond to your comments!

We Chose Violence, Redefined

Are environmental contaminants making us less hornt?

Why were the 90’s hornier than today?

For the last fucking time, hookup culture is a myth

Why I am not an environmentalist

A post-labor society is the ultimate cure for male drift

What will Ozempic mean for thin people?

H4H 23: Jordan Neely died for want of a conservatorship

The last TV Tuesday

I'm sorry, can we reschedule this mental breakdown?

Let the sad times roll(ing)!

We both err, but in opposite directions

H4H 22: Rika Shipley on Huntsville Police and homelessness

TV Tuesdays 51: Molly and the music visualizer

“Protestant work ethic” is out. Vibe popes are in.

Why psychedelics effectively treat depression

My Thoughts on...ahem...Tripping Balls

H4H 21: Zach Anderson on Section 8 expansion

TV Tuesdays 50: Spirited

Tripping into 2024