Sitemap - 2022 - Sex and the State
American men don't want American women anymore
Why artist Ellen Maidman-Tanner changed her mind about AI art
Friday diary 16: Worthy of love part 2, cognitive dissonance boogaloo
Dear Gen Z Tradwives: Have You Considered Kink Instead?
Loneliness co-author William Patrick on how loneliness shittifies politics
Friday diary 15: I paid thousands to consider that I may be worthy of love simply for existing
How to actually fight trafficking
AI art is automation and automation is good, actually
Even the right is boarding the decrim sex work train
Don't wait for anyone to choose you
Friday diary 14: Getting out there
Scapegoating, sexual abuse, and trauma: A vicious cycle
Is Lensa anti-Black, anti-fat, agist, and male gaze-y?
I was on the Enrages podcast from the Center for a Stateless Society
Hell is an Evangelical billboard in rural Alabama
Friday diary 13: I'm mad as hell
Nicholas Eberstadt frustrates the hell out of me
How loneliness creates conspiracy theorists
Why I care about loneliness (a story about Autism, authoritarianism, and aunts)
Friday diary 12: Porn is like air
Happy Thanksgiving/Indigenous Peoples’ Day!
Cathy reads books: Of Boys and Men Part 2
Cathy reads books: Of Boys and Men Part 1
Men need women more than women need men
Why spend your precious fucks on men?
Cathy reads books: The Hazards of Being Male
Don't chase happiness, chase relationships
I have more thoughts on shyness than I anticipated
What solitary confinement says about loneliness
Friday diary 10: Do you both want to be the people you both want you both to be?
The racism and classism hidden behind “moms who microdose”
We all lonely, as it turns out
Sex and the State impact report: October 2022
Friday diary 10: New life goal, who dis
How to make friends when you have no friends
Why San Francisco should give addicts more drugs
7 steps for men who want closer friendships
Loneliness is self-reinforcing
Friday diary 9: I don’t need to do shit, and other MDMA lessons
New guide! Is This Going to Work?
Sex-positive feminism and rates of violence
Friday diary 8: The purpose of life isn’t to avoid pain
How a functional country would help vets with chronic pain
Kenton Bartlett is offering true ketamine therapy in Birmingham, Alabama
Adrie Rose on the ties between TERFs, SWERFs, and white supremacy
Psychedelics and the Far Right: the Psychonautzi Effect
The quest to find good drugs in Alabama
Mischa Byruck cares more about prison abolition than gender abolition
Maggie McNeill on Satan, feminism, and human trafficking
AOC addresses the burdens of masculinity
Finding the messy middle with sex and psychedelics
Friday diary 6: To give and receive
Sam Hammond on the future of men
Not all men (are equally likely to be single)
Do you even trip, bro? On psychedelic masculinity
A queer perspective on men's woes
Liz Nolan Brown on the Porn Wars
Friday diary 3: The power of momentum
I was on the "On the Whorizon" podcast
The rise of lonely, single men
Licensure reform for native-born men
It’s been an intense week for me over here
Laid off and looking for work!
Putting the "fun" in fundamental attribution error
What's Happening to Our Men? - How the "Average Guy" From Yester-year Doesn't Fit in 2022
Indian Bronson on native-born men's woes
Material stability with a modicum of effort for white males
What's wrong with native-born men?
Second guide time! Dirty Talk 101: A beginner's guide to sexier speech
Free guide link: Dirty Talk 101: A beginner's guide to sexier speech.
Sorry, wrong link! Free guide real link
Maybe it’s okay to just have some fun
Speak every language or have telepathy?
Being back in DC for the weekend
Last Friday did not go as planned
Alone on Valentine’s Day? You’re not alone!
I am having a sad about leaving San Francisco
Probably there will be some of both.
So I have some, uh, personal news.
I recently ran into an interesting misconception about racism
Sex is a gift, not an obligation
A comprehensive guide to your first play party
The only people who benefit from people at the bottom fighting each other are those at the top
Far better than you could have ever dreamed
How I got into writing about sex work (video interview)