Sitemap - 2020 - Sex and the State

Gender essentialism often muddies the science around sex

A movie review

VISA dropping Pornhub is bad for women

Oh great, radfem PUAs

2020 in review

I like how Big Mouth mocks shame and anxiety

How DOJ censorship helped Pornhub dominate the market

Hugging the hazy, grayed out version of myself in the fetal position

Why you can't flash yo titties on Zoom

Disinformation and surveillance capitalism

Loneliness is the biggest problem facing modernity

Police consider sex workers subhuman

It’s so painful to be so close

On the origins of female whorephobia

How To Do Sex Work

About me and my goals


We have to keep fighting, unfortunately.

Harris Should Lead the Way on Repealing SESTA/FOSTA

What am I doing with my life

On voting for women

Your Guide to Getting Started on OnlyFans

What I think about r/NoFap

Is porn addiction real?

5 likely harms of criminalizing and stigmatizing pornography

Consent is non-binary

Protecting Election Integrity

A healthy life has room for sex, friendship, and fandom

The EARN IT Act is Anti-Evidence Policy

About the debate last night

The 3 things everyone should know about losing weight

I’m going to try to enjoy it. 

Three reasons I can't encourage people to get married

“My wife and I want to invite a third into bed”

The alienating epistemic closure of sexual conservatives

The Neoliberalism of WAP

TFW you start to notice your own avoidant behavior

Why We’re F*cked on Disinformation

Seeing love for what it is

Defund The DHS

Sex, tech, and politics