What the hell is a sex worker!Your premise is all screwed up there’s no such thing as a “sex worker” that’s an illegal business sex and work and money cannot be exchanged legally so what the hell is your premise. You could possibly have been raped in every city of the United States or 35 of them and if you were then how come the social worker is an involved in this claimant I do know it’s it it’s not true prove that you’ve been in these 35 states how could you possibly travel that much with that much trauma on your mind preposterously impossible in my opinion

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Marcel, it's a shame that the only thing that profound and insightful article did was inspire you to fret about semantics and challenge the validity of another person's trauma. Devoid of empathy for any of the women that were spoken of and further accusing one of lying puts you in the same camp as those causing the problem. Imagine in that small, closed off predjudiced mind if yours that victim was indeed raped in each of those states...how hard would it be to be traumatized over again by not being believed?? Do you know the impact that has on rape victims?? IT IS THE REASON WE DONT COME FORWARD, and therefore don't get justice. You just wantonly allowed a rapist to walk free by your callous blatherings. Good job.

P.s less than 5% of reported raped are false, on par with every other crime.

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"Sex work" is an umbrella term that covers all erotic labor from phone sex operation to stripping to full-service sex work (aka escorting). Some sex work is illegal. Other forms of sex work are legal.

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