"Because in the end, fighting each other in broken systems doesn’t really work, and results in more broken people. What works better is working together to fix the systems we live under."

I like this affirmation and feel that it should be practiced in a variety of situations. We often can find much more in common when focused on disrupting and weakening oppressive power structures. It seems we have almost been conditioned to disagree in an absurdist and persnickety way that keeps us from solidarity.

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The is a dimension in which sex can be more polymorphous, but for most people sex works pretty well based on the traditional sexes, which are the operational genders for most people. I applaud your appreciation of sexual freedom; I've certainly acted in ways that other people haven't wished me to, and ways that they have that are unusual sexually over the years, but I think "heteropessimism" isn't really that relevant. The evolutionary psychology people have got it about right in a tendential way. Both men and women like sex, but they dole it out to others differently. Men tendentially elide monogamy, at least in fantasy. Women often promote it, except when there are mating opportunities with "genetically appealing" males. Some people don't fit either of these paradigms.

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