I think you want to say "My politics is aimed around redistributing power *downward*."

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This opens up a big pandora box for me. I was raised poor, very poor after my parents divorced. I only started dating in college and everyone came from a wealthier background than me. I dated some very rich women which was kind of alienating.

I finally decided that I should only date women who had been poor or at the least were working-class when growing up and had attended college. This significantly narrowed my dating pool but led to much better results and eventually a wife, who had been even poorer than me (a refugee to America).

I had no safety net when I was a young adult and it made me very dedicated to getting rich, which I accomplished. Now I am half my family's safety net. It's okay, I feel blessed. I still get along best with people who started poor and are now educated and at least middle class.

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Very nice reflective post. I really enjoyed it.

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