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"Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s social conditioning." (I came)

I view the conservative/puritanical bent of women in power over the last 100 years as an artifact of sexual determinism and a consequence of "trying to join the boys club". A lot easier for a woman to be taken seriously if her policy project is adjacent to the traditional values of family/caretaker (like opposing drugs and alcohol for example, or promoting religious viewpoints), and if she wants to achieve success is a broader arena (like legislatures) it's a lot easier if she seems at least as tough or tougher than her male opponents. Hard to seem very tough when you're championing nuanced, progressive positions. but it's easy if you double down on good old fashioned conservative values. I still wonder, is Hillary Clinton really the inhumane uber-hawk she appears to be, or was that all posturing to join the boys club? Was she willing to trade anonymous human lives for female achievement because she thought it was the only way? We'll likely never know.

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